VPP's: Background Information

Click on the links below to find out more about VPP's. Note we are not endorsing any particular parties opinions, but provide the links for information.


Generic VPP Architecture

The generic design of VPP was set out in reference [1] and consists of a number modules including communications, accounting, forecasting, scheduling, bidding and risk management etc. (See Figure 1 adapted from ref [1]). For more sophisticated business models requiring interfaces with many markets and sites, much of the functionality shown in Figure 1 would be required. Note only some of these functions may be required in simpler business models.

Generic VPP
Figure 1. Generic VPP Architecture .

[1] S. You, C. Træholt, and B. Poulsen, "Generic Virtual Power Plants: Management of distributed energy resources under liberalized electricity market," in 8th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM 2009), 2009, pp. 1-6.

VPP Commercial Suppliers (Examples)

An Enhanced Virtual Power Plant (VPP) + Energy Pool Integration for Local and Regional Resistance