Use Case 2: Myres Hill Wind Turbine with Battery Exporting to Grid

Case Overview

A small 225 kW Vestas V27 wind turbine + 2 x 0.9 MW turbines situated at Myres Hill near East Kilbride Scotland UK. The turbines are connected to an 11 KV grid connection and feeds the Castle Grid Supply point at 33kV/275kV. A small load is also connected near the Myres Hill, but is not used in this scenario. Note a hypothetical battery is included in this case and wind output is assumed to be sold on an Octopus Agile Outgoing (Export) tariff. There is an export limit.


  • ~ 2 MW Wind Turbines
  • 1 MW 2 MWh Battery
  • MPC Control.
  • Load Nearby ~60 kW


Usecase 2 assumes that the wind turbine sells to it power on an octopus outgoing agile tariff. Click here for more details on the tariff.

Control and Data Capture

Usecase 2 assumes the use of MPC control. A look ahead function uses future prices and determines whether or not to export wind output or store into a battery. At the appropriate times the battery is dischared to maximise revenues to the site.


The video below conceptualises the current setup in block form and shows a simulation/animation of the assets described above. Arrow sizes represent flows associated with use case.

MH Animatiom
Figure 1. Use Case 2 Myres Hill with Battery Animation FLows .

MH with batt graphs Animatiom
Figure 2. Use Case Myres Hill with Battery Graphs .


  • Revenues = Export to grid - Import from Grid Revenues
  • Simulation over one week; Half Hour by Half Hour. Sim start from HH - 1
  • Graphs show rolling window. Note the right hand side of the graph shows the latest output. Those to the left of that point represent the historical points
  • Note zero flow lines still shown


In this case, the net benefits of the addition of a battery of the size assumed is around ~£2,000/week which would equate to annual revenue of circa ~£100,000. Of course this is assumption dependent and assumes the uses of a dynamic time of use tariff. These additonal revenues would need to cover the initial cost of the battery and its ongoing maintenance. Around 8.5% of the wind output was diverted to the battery over the week.

Figure 3 below shows the differences in revenues generated from using a battery against not using a battery for 336 half hours(hh).

difference in revs
Figure 3. Use Case 2 Difference in Revenues (Battery vs No Battery Case) .

Negative revenues occur when the battery is charged from renewables and the positive values occur when the battery is discharged. There are 12 times when revenues are in excess of £150/hh and 22 in excess of £100/hh.

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